Friday, September 11, 2009


Latest rage is directed to the people that complain about spending a large amount of money on scratch cards / gacha / cardpacks and not winning anything. These two things are no different than real life gambling, really. Use your head, people. Plenty of people spend hundreds to thousands in actual gambling and come back empty handed. Such is the lottery; the odds are stacked against you.

I have a friend that embodies a motto of his from a few months ago: "It's all good." Though he is quite unlucky with his gambling, he continues, saying things to the effect of "It's all good, I'll just try again!" and refrains from complaining about his failures. I find this to be a quite mature outlook, and one that I follow myself. When I was a child, I used to complain about doing the simplest things. These days, I reluctantly do what needs to be done, not voicing my complaints.

To extend on this topic, I am also quite tired of the mindset some people have lately. People post threads complaining about their luck, which is perfectly fine, by the way; that's what forums are for. Sure, I disagree with the concept of complaining, but I can't deny people's freedom to speak. Anyway, people find these threads and feel the need to trump (read: post a worse situation) than the original poster's situation. For example, if someone posted a thread saying they wasted $50 on scratchy cards and received nothing, someone posts later saying something like "You think you've had it bad? I've wasted $100 on this and have gotten nothing!" What a childish, attention-garnering, annoying, and unnecessary response. You'd be better off posting nothing.

Naturally, I usually ignore such threads now.

In conclusion, get over it. If you aren't getting what you want, spend some more money and try again! Obviously, this is a very deluded response and can't just be followed out of the blue (for most people). That's the only option available for you, though.


  1. Just thought I'd add how stupid it is to go on the forums and complain about broken odds with the only evidence being their own small/tiny sample size. Arguing that odds were previously better based on their own experience. It really mind boggles me and there's a thread in the suggestion right now that embodies this.

    Regarding the response about trumping the original post. I don't think it's that bad, it's actually somewhat interesting for me to know about the worst case scenarios out there and halfway relieving. It's just the delivery of it that could be done better. Neutrally stating the same fact would probably be acceptable in my opinion.

  2. It's funny how people will use the Gacha system to determine whether they will continue to play, or quit the game.

    Sure, I spent the first $30 and won 3 Fairy wings that seems to be pretty good. Then I spent the next $80 and only won Max's wing. Argh! That's it! I'm quitting this game because I got bad luck! I demand sympathy from you people because I feel so bad that I didn't get what I want! I'm going to blame that lower level accounts get a higher chance of winning than high levels!

