Monday, December 7, 2009

New Generation

There isn't much to do on PangYa these days. After I got my -38, I pretty much stopped playing. All I do these days is grind with Brazilians or push records when I play, since most of my friends don't log in too much anymore. Is it just me or is the first generation of chippers finally beginning to die out?

To be honest, I'm reluctant to rank up from Pro A. My friends have been waiting for me to move up from 256 for a long time, and I won't have an excuse to play it anymore when I hit National. Having 264 would be nice, but I don't want to leave 256. I've spent too much time researching it. (t.t)

Frankly, fuck pushing records. It kills my calipers too fast, and it takes the fun out of the game for me. Looking at how I'm almost burned out after only doing 5 or so tournaments for Pink Wind, I doubt I'll do that again anytime soon.

I met up with the leader of the Japan guild a week or so ago. However, she lives in Japan, so our time zones aren't really compatible. Besides logging on to practice Japanese with her, I spend a lot more of my time playing Dungeon Fighter Online.